In the context of this experiment, think of normals as the plane(s) of an object that get rendered in Unity. If you want to be able to control aspects of the model separately in Unity, be sure to export them as separate. It simply requires a little thought before exporting. obj you can’t turn individual parts of the mesh on and off in Unity. obj export treats several Vectorworks objects as one combined mesh. fbx into Unity it preserves each individual object as it was in Vectorworks, so a group of objects will preserve their individual child objects. And a model this large can cause issues in Unity with lighting, cameras, canvas etc. obj models in general (regardless of scale) import into Unity 100x times larger than an. obj model is at export, it will be the same size once in Unity. fbx will both be the same size when imported into Unity. So for example, a 1:1 model and a 1:1200 model exported as.
The scale of your model in Vectorworks doesn’t matter! It will import into Unity at the same size.
It’s an extra step, but certainly not a dealbreaker.
obj models import on their side, requiring you to rotate -90 on the X axis. fbx file imports into Unity without needing to be rotated.